Monday 24 November 2014

Watch the new funny Gangnam style song here

This awful song is (apparently) the new Gangnam style
We’re sorry, we really are, but if you don’t want to be a wallflower this party season, you’d better get familiar with this.
Because Rong ‘Rollin’ Wang’s song Chick Chick is set to be 2014′s Gangnum Style.
Rong ‘Rollin’ Wang is a Chinese pop star who manages to combine the best/ maddest attributes of Lady Gaga, Bjork and Katy Perry in one seriously cute package. Which is obviously a good thing.
Her song, Chick Chick (which has so far had nearly 9 million views on Youtube) on the other hand is another matter entirely.
In short it’s a screeching nightmare. A strangely addictive, screeching nightmare.
Oh, and then there’s the dance (of course there’s a dance), which is somewhere between Gangnam style and the dance to The Chicken Song (which we know you all remember, so don’t even try and deny it).
So basically, you’d better all have a look and lock down the moves, because we all know that come Christmas party season you’ll have to bust them out. Sob.
Watch here

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